Please be advised that microblading is a form of tattooing and there are some medical conditions and medications that prevent clients from getting the service. If you have any questions, please email or call. Occasionally, a doctor's note can be accepted for special cases. 

Permanent cosmetics services cannot be performed if you are:

  • Under the age of 18.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Taking immunosuppressive medication/have been diagnosed with an immune disorder.

  • Taking blood thinning medication, painkillers, street narcotics, krill oil/fish oil, or have drinking problems.

  • Have taken antibiotics in the past 30 days.

  • Have undiagnosed/untreated heart issues.

  • Trichotillomania diagnosis.

  • Diabetic.

  • History of Keloids.

  • Immune disorders that affect the skin (example: lupus)

  • Herpes simplex.

  • Have had cold sores on the face in the past

  • Have any active infection.

  • Have an upcoming surgery within 4 weeks.

  • At high risk of infection/must take antibiotics during dental work.

  • Noncompliant with aftercare instructions.

  • Commonly suntan.

The skin also needs to be completely healthy and healed from any:

  • Facial treatments for at least 3 weeks (peels/laser/microneedling within the past four weeks)

  • Botox injections on the forehead within 3 weeks.

  • Lasering on or near area for at least 8-12 weeks 

  • Radiation or chemotherapy for at least 6-12 months 

  • Accutane for at least 12 months

If you have had your brows tattooed in the past, you may be recommended laser removal or to wait until previous work fades . Please contact Baylen with a photo of your brows to be cleared for booking with previous work on your brows. If you are unsure whether or not you can receive microblading, please contact